
Your daily dose of news and nonsense from an overcaffeinated, often hungover Z-list radio personality.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


According to the NME...
Pixies are set to begin work on their first studio album in 15 years.

Singer Frank Black has confirmed the band will start work in January on their first record since 1991's 'Trompe Le Monde'.

Speaking about the album, Black explained that the band still have a lot of work to do before an album appears.

"We're rehearsing in January, if we can persuade Kim (Deal, bassist) to come out of her house," he told NME.COM. "We offered to go to her but we figured if we book the rehearsals she'll show up.

"Since we got back together we've played almost everywhere we can. I know we like playing and everyone likes touring together, so to keep doing that and not record anything is kind of like being a county fair band. We don't want to do that, so the only thing we can do is become a vital band again. So it's just a matter of doing it, I guess."


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